Orrery marble fighter going for a vibe like that Star Trek TNG episode where everyone gets addicted to the AR game where you put the disc in the wobbly tube. Slow speed solar train wrecks.

  • L/R Arrows or A/D rotate the field
  • W/S or UP/Down Arrows move your star.
  • P to pause.

Avoid the planets as their orbits decay into yours, or catch them and slingshot them into the void. Make use of an array of powerups: 

  • 🌌 Purple Wormhole inverts the gravity well and tosses away less dense planets
  • 🔺Pyromid lets you summon comets with space bar
  • ☕ Flying Cup and Saucer (a pick-me-up) lets you fly up with the space bar and unleashes a cataclysmic crash landing, 
  • 🛰️Satellite summons a protective asteroid belt.


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very cool